
Cashflow Game
Play it first, Then you will LOVE it!
Cashflow Game is a famous financial game created by Robert Kiyosaki. He is the author who wrote the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.
“Stimulate your thinking on how to get out of the rat race.”
Cashflow Game would let you know what is the difference between assets and liabilities and how you can manage it well. Assets will put money in your pockets while liabilities will take money out of your pockets. This game will give you the real experience of how financial will affect your life where it will assign you with real situations and experiences such as it will ask you to pay for your studies debts, housing loans, bills and etc.
Furthermore, you will learn how to take control of your personals financial and manage cash flow activities necessary to build a strong business.

Game Objective:
Understand how to achieve financial freedom.
Learn concepts that the rich understand about money.
Realize that taking risks is not that risky if u understand.
Understand high income is not equal to financial freedom.
Appreciate & grasp your opportunity when it comes!
What will YOU GET?
Test out your financial IQ.
Learn how to control your cash flow.
Know what is different between assets and liabilities.
Teach you how you can reach your dreams in financial.
Get to know which investment is good whether for short or long term.
Is it possible to RETIRE EARLY?
How to retire in 10 years by achieving financial freedom?
Do U want to work for money for the rest of your life?
How to get passive income or investment income?
How to become an ultimate investor?
How to turn your idea into a million worth business?

2019-03-23 UTAR Kampar

2019-05-02 UNIMAS

2019-07-18 IIUM

2019-12-13 SG Tmn U

From time to time, we'll organize a Cashflow Game session for those who are interested, and till now we have organized more than 150 sessions!
Like and follow JB Cashflow Game to be updated when we open a new game session!

"This Cashflow Game is really inspiring to me. When I'm playing this, I thought that I was in the real-life. I'm very happy to play this game because I learn how to manage my money and I learn how to achieve financial freedom."
Nur Shahirah Hafizah Binti Mohd Shani
Bachelor in Computer Sciences

"From this Cashflow Game, I learnt many things. For example, you can reach your financial freedom by creating passive income more than your total expenses. We can apply these concepts in our real life and we need to continually improve our financial IQ, so our life will become better."
Tan Wan Ting
Bachelor in Chemical Engineering
at UTM

1. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) from the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia (FPAM)
2. Chartered Insurance Agency Manager (CIAM) from the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA)

Sin Chew Daily Newspaper

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