
SmartProtect You - 100
One of Our
Proudest Product
What is SPY 100?
SPY-100 is an investment-linked insurance plan offers comprehensive life protection with flexible investment opportunities. It provides financial security against life’s uncertainties, along with the potential to grow your investment over time.
Key Features
Additional 1% sum assured of the basic plan for each policy year up to 40%

Death Benefit= Basic Sum Assured (BSA) + Additional Sum Assured (ASA) + Total Investment Value (TIV).
For amounts up to RM10,000,000, the first payment is a lump sum of RM2,000,000 or the BSA + ASA (whichever is lower), with the remainder paid in two annual instalments.
TPD Coverage: Up to age 75 ANB, with a maximum benefit of RM10,000,000 across all policies.
No-Lapse Guarantee: Policy will not lapse in the first 3 years if the total investment value is zero or below, provided all premiums are paid on time and no withdrawals are made.
Maturity Benefits: TIV (if any) minus any indebtedness.
Covers 99% of deaths only exclude death by violation of Malaysia’s law (criminal law).
SUICIDE will be covered after 1 policy year
TPD have 6 exclusions:
Pre-existing TPD before the policy or reinstatement.
TPD from self-inflicted injuries (sane or insane).
TPD from parachuting, skydiving, or non-commercial flights.
TPD from criminal activities or legal violations.
TPD from driving without a valid license (expired licenses are allowed if not disqualified).
TPD from war (declared or undeclared).